Governance Inclusive Education

The project focus is on network analyses and involvement of all relevant actors and stakeholders in the context of inclusive education transformation processes and ongoing reform efforts in the participating countries. The governance constellations, processes, coordination e.g., and the individual experiences of the actors involved will be analyzed and compared.

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Project Insights

Newsletter 3 published!

The GovInEd project partners announce that the E-Learning Course is ready-to-use in the project languages! Based on the research findings from the first project results out of the four educational regions, the curriculum and the teaching module have been developed as...

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October 10th the Independent Styrian Monitoring Committee to monitor the implementation of and compliance with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities invited to the public meeting for political participation. Silvia Kopp-Sixt attented as...

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Multiplier Austria E1 Governance Inclusive Education

Multiplier Austria E1 Governance Inclusive Education

On Thursday, September 26, 2024, almost 100 interested people from the Austrian "Community of Practice" (COP) in the Erasmus+ project "Governance in(clusive) Education" - - accepted the invitation to the project multiplier starting at 3:00 p.m. at the...

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Chat-Bot-Development Part 3

Chat-Bot-Development Part 3

On the 13th of September, the last online meeting of the consortium focused on the development of the chat-bot took place. The data-mind of the chat-bot has grown to 305 pages, which is incredible. All of this data contains specific project product related edited...

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Chat-Bot-Development Part 2

Chat-Bot-Development Part 2

The project consortium continued with the development of the chatbot at high speed. On 19 July, the next online meeting of the consortium focused on the implementation of the project results, the texts of the consortium members and other relevant resources selected in...

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Chat-Bot-Development Part 1

Chat-Bot-Development Part 1

At the consortium meeting in Brixen, Daniel Autenrieth offered a workshop for the project partners on "how to develop" the GovInEd chat bot. The technical developments taking place within the project are impressive and overwhelming at the same time. The partners...

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Steering Comittee for Inclusive Development Styria

Steering Comittee for Inclusive Development Styria

On june 13th 2024 the Educational Authority Styria invited to the Steering Comittee for Inclusive Development Styria. Silvia Kopp-Sixt presented the project development mile-stones and invited to pilot the activity zone and to participate in the multiplier on september 26th at the University College of Teacher Education Styria.

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