
GOVernentials & INclutivities (in EDucation)

Curriculum/ Module for training and professionalization "Governance of inclusive Education/ International"

Based on the research findings from the first project results (network analysis), a curriculum and a teaching module are being developed. The curriculum as overarching framework for the module will explain the content of the module, the goals and required learning processes containing four courses. These courses should enable students to gain insights into the policy and governance level of educational systems, offer them the opportunity to complete an internship in this environment, and reflect on the experience. Students, moreover, do not only learn about their own country’s system, but also the systems of the three other countries in the project.

An illustration titled "GovInEd" shows diverse individuals around the logo. A British flag is in the top right corner to symbolize that this is the english version of the course

Educational Policy and Governance

This free e-learning course provides you with comprehensive knowledge about the organisation of inclusive education at an international level.

Eine Illustration mit dem Titel „GovInEd“ zeigt verschiedene Personen rund um das Logo. Eine deutsche Flagge in der oberen rechten Ecke symbolisiert, dass dies die deutsche Version des Kurses ist

Bildungspolitik und Steuerung

Dieser kostenlose E-Learning-Kurs bietet Ihnen umfassendes Wissen über die Organisation der integrativen Bildung auf internationaler Ebene.

An illustration titled "GovInEd" shows diverse individuals around the logo. A spanish flag is in the top right corner to symbolize that this is the catalanian version of the course

Política educativa y gobernanza

Este curso gratuito en línea proporciona amplios conocimientos sobre la organización de la educación inclusiva a escala internacional.

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