Working towards a common goal
Communities of Practice

To ensure external feedback and a sustainable mainstreaming of the project results, four regional multi-level-community of practices were established in the project countries.
Through the cooperation of the persons involved and being part of the multi-level-community of practices the consortium partners will have the possibility to spread the research findings, the inspiring practices from the project and the intellectual outputs beyond the mere local level.
The multi-level communities of practice are representing institutions and actors involved in the inclusive education reform i.e., expert-groups and persons who are actively involved into the inclusive education reform in the educational system and the cooperation with them will going to be continued after the projects end.
Actors of the following groups of people are invited to participate in the project. Representatives of all these groups participated in the Fact-Finding-Missions in the first place andaccompanied the project throughout by participating at events, piloting the project products and spreading the informations, products and findings allover the networks and communities of interest and development promoting inclusion!
Parliament / State Ministry *** Upper School Administration/ Department of Education/ Education Directory *** Lower School-Administration/ Educational Inspection (Regional) *** Educational services (for example: psycho-pedagogical counselling teams and pedagogical resource centres) *** School and teacher management institutions *** Parents’ associations *** Student associations *** Associations related to inclusive education *** Teacher education and training institutions *** Universities and University Colleges in Teacher Education *** Principals from schools *** Teacher/s from schools *** Welfare institutions (as far as they are involved into the resource management or financial aid for the schools) *** Self-Advocats *** NGOs *** All groups of interest
(Cloud source: Cavaliere, 2023)
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Postcard set of Impulse sentences for inclusion
E-Cards: Principles of Inclusion
The goal of the first project results is to work out relevant factors for success in the implementation of inclusive education reforms based on the international comparison. Different actors and stakeholders in the field of inclusive education in the different countries participated in Fact-Finding Missions organized as Round-Table-Meetings and discussed different structures and governance processes.
In a further step, these results of four educational regions in four European Countries were were qualitatively analyzed.
The results postulate the following principles and quality guidelines, which, in postcard format, are intended to serve as impulses for information, discussion and dissemination in the project languages.