
Disclosure & usage notice according to § 25 of the Media Act


Prof. Silvia Kopp-Sixt, BEd MA
Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
University College of Teacher Education Styria
Hasnerplatz 12
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 8067 0
Fax: +43 316 8067 3199

In principle, reproduction and use is permitted provided the source is acknowledged, subject to any provisions to the contrary. If there are restrictions on use, this will be expressly indicated.


Terms of use

1. Disclaimer

The University College of Teacher Education Styria assumes no guarantee/liability for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information, services and the like. It is expressly pointed out that no legal claims can arise from the use of the information. The University College of Teacher Education Styria also accepts no liability/warranty for any downloads, whether in the form of forms or similar, or for any links provided with regard to the topicality, completeness and accuracy of the content. We endeavour to keep problems and disruptions to a minimum and expressly point out that the University College of Teacher Education Styria accepts no liability whatsoever in the event of disruptions or other service interruptions.

2. Intellectual property
All content and layouts are protected by copyright and all rights are reserved by the copyright holder. Changes may not be made.

3. Use & picture credits
The use of the homepage and the utilisation of information and services is exclusively subject to Austrian law.

When using photos, images and the like, we refer to the copyright of the photographer and the obligatory naming of the photographer.

Printing and reproduction is free of charge. We expressly point out that the naming of the university of education is obligatory.

If the contributions are used or published, we take the liberty of requesting two specimen copies. These are to be sent to the following address:

University College of Teacher Education Styria
Prof. Silvia Kopp-Sixt (address as above)


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