Governance Inclusive Education
The project focus is on network analyses and involvement of all relevant actors and stakeholders in the context of inclusive education transformation processes and ongoing reform efforts in the participating countries. The governance constellations, processes, coordination e.g., and the individual experiences of the actors involved will be analyzed and compared.
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Project Insights
International Consortium Meeting in presence in Brixen, South-Tyrol
During may 15th till 17th, the project consortium met in Brixen, South Tyrol.The agenda focused the completion of the activity zone inviting persons to develop their competencies of attitude, knowledge and action for promoting inclusion through Governance in(clusive)...
Dissemination Studiengruppe aus den Niederlanden
Am 07. März und am 10.April 2024 wurde das Projekt „Governance in Inklusive Education „ einer Gruppe von 2 mal je 22 Lehrpersonen und Schulleitungen aus den Niederlanden vorgestellt. Die Präsentation erfolgte im Rahmen eines Seminars über die inklusive...
Second newsletter of the project was published
The network analyses on the relevant actors and stakeholders in the context of reform processes towards inclusive educational systems are released: For more information check the newsletter as digital version here or use our...
GovInEd in discourse
During the online congress IFO 2024, the GovInEd-project team invited to discuss the project development.
GovInEd goes public: Inclusive research international 2024
Kerstin Merz-Atalik presents the GovInEd-approach to public during her key-note speech in Graz 2024 in an outstanding accessible setting provided by the competencies of the GovinEd-team providing an accessibility awareness concept: IFO 2024
Consortium meeting online
On february 21st 2024, the consortium met online to to take a look back at the results of the work phase after the face-to-face meeting in Leipzig in january 2024 and to conclude the outcome 2, the curriculum for Governance in(clusive) Education. Everyone is curiously...
International consortium meeting in presence in Leipzig, Germany
On January 25th till January 27th 2024, the third consortium meeting within the project “Governance Inclusive Education” took place at the University Leipzig, Germany. The partners focused on the validation on the regional actor and network maps pursuing the goal to...
Invitation: Community of Development
Due to post-pandemic restricitions as well as the shortage of teachers in schools and challenges facing the professional field, the project team developed an the base of the CoP - Communities of practise in the project regions - the virtual and accessible Community of...
15 years jubilee of UN CRPD in Austria
The year 2023 will be marked by preparations for the anniversary of Austria's ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 26 September 2008. A highlight was the symposium “Practice meets Science” of Lebensgroß (service provider for...