Governance Inclusive Education

The project focus is on network analyses and involvement of all relevant actors and stakeholders in the context of inclusive education transformation processes and ongoing reform efforts in the participating countries. The governance constellations, processes, coordination e.g., and the individual experiences of the actors involved will be analyzed and compared.

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Project Insights

International consortium meeting in presence in Graz, Austria

International consortium meeting in presence in Graz, Austria

On September 23 and 24, 2022, a consortium meeting within the project “Governance Inclusive Education” took place at the University College of Teacher Education Styria for the first time in presence. At the beginning of the meeting the Rector of the University, HR...

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First newsletter of the project was published

First newsletter of the project was published

The project “GovInEd - Governance Inclusive Education”, addresses the issue of governance of inclusive education in four European countries: Austria, Germany, Italy and Spain. The project is focusing on network analyses on the relevant actors and stakeholders in the...

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GovInEd presented within the “Week of Inclusion” in Graz

GovInEd presented within the “Week of Inclusion” in Graz

The GovInEd project was presented within the “Week of Inclusion” organized from 04-10.07.2022 in Graz, Austria. As part of this “Week of Inclusion” different events were organized for people with and without disabilities. The researchers from the Research Center for...

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Kick-Off Meeting of the project

Kick-Off Meeting of the project

The kick-off meeting of the project “Governance Inclusive Education” took place on 09. February 2022 as online event (via WebEx) under the organization of the University College of Teacher Education Styria.

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